- 2015: Engineers' report commissioned by the City of Prospect. The building is owned by the City Of Prospect.
- 2017: Sump pump and associated electrical system installed to enabling water intruding into the structure to be pumped out to the street, thus ensuring the floor remained relatively dry in most parts of the interior. Project generously funded by City of Prospect.
- 2017: City of Prospect and the Prospect Local History Group undertook upgrading to the exterior grounds, which included new paving, landscaping, erection of display panels relating to the history and use of the shelter. Funding for the upgrades was received from the ANZAC Commemoration Fund and the City of Prospect . The upgrade was launched by Mayor David O'Loughlin in April 2017.
- 2018: Additional panels, designed by the Local History Group, detailing the lives of 4 local women and one boy, were installed at the rear of the garden. All display panels, both inside and outside of the shelter, were researched and designed by Prospect Local History Group volunteers.
- 2018: Public tours began at the shelter, run by volunteers of the Prospect Local History Group
- 2019: WW2 Honour Boards and a large external mural, depicting the civil defense response in WW2, were erected, funded by the City of Prospect. Northpoint Toyota generously funded the painting of the outside walls.
- 2021: 16 December 2021 confirmation of State Heritage listing:
- Prospect Local History Group volunteers have made a significant contribution to the development of the air raid shelter over the past 10 years or so: many hours of research, maintenance, tours, design of information panels and publications, writing of grant applications, advocating for the preservation and upgrading of the shelter, liaising with Council.
- The Prospect Local History Group acknowledges the ongoing contribution and support of the City of Prospect to the restoration and development of the Prospect Air Raid Shelter, recognizing its importance as a unique feature in the history of Prospect.